The 13th DG Festival Award Ceremony on December 23rd 2016

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About Us

Dear Guest (DG) Company successfully released its Business & Life Style magazine in 2002 which have clearly & rapidly found its way to be one of Egypt ’s best English magazines in the market. In addition of the normal coverage and articles that all other magazines in the market present, DGmagazine focuses on all customer service related issues through its main chapters such as, Mystery shopping chapter, Enrich your Knowledge and all marketing & customer services articles.

DG also interview executives through our executive of the month chapter, lady of the month chapter, even further by focusing on either an industry or an organization in terms of customer satisfaction.

DG distributionvenues include, major hotels, bookshops and newsstands, supermarkets, airports, tourism centers, embassies, cultural centers, advertisers, numerous Egyptian and international business people, VIPs and the top decision makers within the national and multinational industries in addition to the AHRAM Newspaper as they are our distribution agent.

Through the magazine we gained the respect & trusts of over 100 new clients in the business of advertisement within the past three years.

In May 2007 we released the DG Panache (teens magazine), while in June 2007 the DG.OOOGLE tourist guide was our third publication

DG Magazine is published every two month addressing all categories starting from teens, ladies, hoteliers, travelers, and business men through its main chapters.

About DG Festival
DG festival (The best of the year) is one of Egypt's best festivals solely dedicated for choosing the best of the year following voting system via the company web-site in addition to hard copies questionnaires and video voting. It is a marathon between companies and/or individuals. From June till October of each year the voting take place in which people votes for their favourites all over the year. DG festival was founded in 2004 with a great success from one year to the other

Media Coverage
The most popular media channels starting by radio stations, TV channels, different newspaper and magazines have always paid great attention to DG festival. During the Festival, they conduct and broadcast interviews, editorial articles and reports.


  • Corporate companies product, celebrities, movies, songs can participate in the Festival, provided that the winners should attend the award ceremony.
  • The management reserves the right to reject or disregard any of the winners according to the policy and rules of the festival.
  • In case any of the winners did not show up in the award ceremony date and/or have chosen not to attend the ceremony will then not be included in the following two upcoming festivals due to the none-respect shown toward the voters.
  • DG festival awards are split into two category, appreciation awards chosen by the DG festival committee and awards according the voting system which took place.
  • There are no limits to age for participating in the voting.

Do not forget that DG festival is the best and foremost an occasion for awarding the best of the year in both corporate and entertainment fields each year. If the above rules seem restrictive, it is because they are in place to prevent a minority spoiling it for a majority. DG festival stands for credibility, fairness, fun and appreciation. If you require any further information, do not hesitate to contact our Organizational Secretariat.

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